Tariff Plan
- Billed Annually
- 5 Pages
- Limited Bandwidth
- .in Domain Name Free*
- 1 Email id @your-domain
- Static page
- 1 Contact forms
- Unique design
- 1 Social Media page
- 99.9% Uptime guarantee
- Billed Annually
- 10 Pages
- 5 GB Bandwidth
- .in Domain Name Free*
- 2 Email id @your-domain
- Dynamic pages
- 2 Contact forms
- Unique design
- 2 Social Media pages
- 99.9% Uptime guarantee
- Billed Annually
- 30 Pages
- 20 GB Bandwidth
- .in Domain Name Free*
- 10 Email id @your-domain
- Stylish responsive pages
- CMS* (on request)
- Custom and unique
- Programming PHP, Perl
- 99.9% Uptime guarantee
- Recommended
- Billed Annually
- Unlimited Pages
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- .in Domain Name Free*
- 25 Email id @your-domain
- Stylish responsive pages
- CMS* (on request)
- Custom and unique
- PHP, Perl and cPanel
- 99.9% Uptime guarantee
- Redesign after 6 months
* .in Domain Name Registration 1 year Free, (If necessary) The availability of the domain name is to be checked